Read more about the article Advances in Nano Silver Based Biomaterials and their Biomedical Applications
Colloidal Nano Silver Particles

Advances in Nano Silver Based Biomaterials and their Biomedical Applications

Silver nanoparticles are among the most widely researched and used for nanotechnology-derived structures due to their extraordinary inherent optical properties, chemical stability, catalytic activity, and high conductivity. These idiosyncratic properties…

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Read more about the article Unveiling the Potent Shield: Colloidal Nano Silver Particles and Their Efficacy Against SARS-CoV-2
Efficacy of Colloidal Nano Silver on Sars Covid 19 Virus

Unveiling the Potent Shield: Colloidal Nano Silver Particles and Their Efficacy Against SARS-CoV-2

In the relentless pursuit of effective measures against the SARS-CoV-2 virus, colloidal nano silver have emerged as promising contenders in the battle against COVID-19. The antimicrobial properties of silver have…

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Read more about the article Unveiling the Remarkable Benefits of Colloidal Nano Silver: A Natural Wonder
Best Colloidal Nano Silver 10000ppm

Unveiling the Remarkable Benefits of Colloidal Nano Silver: A Natural Wonder

Colloidal nano silver, a time-honored remedy, has garnered attention for its potential health benefits. For centuries, this solution—consisting of minuscule silver particles suspended in liquid—has been hailed for its diverse…

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Read more about the article Nano Silver: New Ageless and Versatile Biomedical Therapeutic Scaffold
Colloidal Nano Silver Particles

Nano Silver: New Ageless and Versatile Biomedical Therapeutic Scaffold

Abstract from Journal Silver nanotechnology has received tremendous attention in recent years, owing to its wide range of applications in various fields and its intrinsic therapeutic properties. In this review,…

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Read more about the article Evaluation of Silver Nanoparticles for the Prevention of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Health Workers: In vitro and In vivo
Colloidal Nano Silver Nasal Spray for Covid 19

Evaluation of Silver Nanoparticles for the Prevention of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Health Workers: In vitro and In vivo

Silver Nanoparticles and SARS-CoV-2 Covid Virus Health workers, being at the front line, are in the high risk category to contracting Covid 19. A research effort was undertaken to study…

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Read more about the article Colloidal Silver’s Antitumor Activity on MCF-7 Human Breast Cancer Cells – A Research Article
Colloidal silver boosts immune system and is effective against breast cancer cells

Colloidal Silver’s Antitumor Activity on MCF-7 Human Breast Cancer Cells – A Research Article

Background - Colloidal Silver and Breast Cancer Colloidal silver has been used as an antimicrobial and disinfectant agent. However, there is scarce information on its antitumor potential. The aim of…

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